Aunt / Uncle
Make Your Own DNA Test Kit
An Avuncular DNA Test, (also known as an Aunt/Uncle DNA Test) is done to establish whether an aunt and/or uncle are the biological relatives of their niece or nephew. An avuncular test can be done when a paternity test is not an option and thus, the only means of establishing paternity is by testing the alleged father’s relatives to see whether they are related to the child in question.
My Forever DNA offers a 46 DNA marker test, while our competitors offer many fewer markers. That’s how our tests result in the greatest amount of accuracy and reliability! Exclusions are independently tested twice to ensure accuracy. All lab fees are included for one child and one aunt or uncle and there are no hidden fees. Add on another person to be tested for an additional fee.
With this Make Your Own Kit format, you will not receive anything in the mail. Instead, you collect your samples and send them into the lab directly. This can be a more cost-effective option and also ensure you receive your results even sooner!
Upon buying the DNA kit, you will download the Make Your Own Kit instructions. You will be responsible for correctly collecting and sending samples to our lab. Once our lab receives your samples, you can expect results within 1-3 business days!